

书面表达One possible version:Last Saturday night, our school in Britain held a fantastic group birthday party for all foreign students inthe lecture hall, which left an unforgettable impression on usAll foreign students were free to take part in it. Some of our foreign friends were also invited. With thebaker's help, we made a huge birthday cake with delicious fruits and cream. Then some students danced, sangand shared funny jokes on the stage. Most impressively, a girl stood on the stage, with tears in her eyes, madea speech about our mother, the woman who gave birth to us with great pain, brought us to this beautiful worldand led us to enjoy love and learn knowlege. It is our mothers who are the greatest women in the world! Nowwe are far away from them, missing them. But we'll study hard and perform well to let them keep proud of us!What a moving birthday party it is!


36-40 EACFG七选五:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何利用英语杂志学习英语。36.E【解析】承接句。即使你只是阅读杂志并享受其中的内容,你也会学到新单词、句子结构和俗语。实际上,你可以用它们来进一步学习。37.A【解析】主题句。本段介绍如何通过描述图片学习英语。38.C【解析】承接句。根据下文中 In your Imagination可知,通过给文章中的人物或动物添加对话和想法来学习英语39.F【解析】承接句。根据主題句中的关键词 summarize可知,F项“你能否用一两句话描述文章内容?”很好地衔接上下文。40.G【解析】总结句。根据主题句 Discuss the articles可知,和作者谈论一篇文章是理解它的最好方式。

