



第二节One possible versionI asked him, "Why did you not tell my roommate that youare my brother?"He replied with a smile," If so, they willmake fun of you for having such a brother and you 'll surely feelembarrassed."Hearing his words I felt so touched that tears filledmy eyes. Then he took out some money from his pocket and put itin my hand, telling me to mind my health and not to worry abouthim. I pulled my brother into my arms and burst out crying. Thatyear, my brother was 20 years old and I was 23Several years later, when my brother got married, he wasasked who was the person he loved most. Without a secondthought, he answered, "My sister. " Then he continued, One day,my parents happened to be out and I became seriously ill. It wasmy sister who took me immediately to the hospital and finally Irecovered. From that day on, I was determined to do all that I couldfor my sister because I thought she was the dearest person to me.On such an occasion, I was moved to tears again by what he saidand took great pride in having such a nice brother

