2022-2023 英语周报 九年级 新目标 50答案


短文改错We were traveling in New Brunswick, Canada. My mother and I were sitting on a bench in a park while alady walked towards us with her dog. We began chatting with her but told her something interesting. It wasandtimes for dinner and she invited us to gone to her home for dinner. She even insists that we tell her what wetimeInsistewanted to eat. Maybe we looked hungrily. We didnt know what to say. She said, "I know. I'll cook steak forhungryus. Please come to my home at the six. "We showed up for dinner and we were surprised at the big dinner. Ityouwas because A the lady and her lovely family who we spent an amazing eveningthat



2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 新目标 50答案

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