英语周报第31期 2818--2022x答案


C体裁:说明文主题:人与社会—居家办公与社会性焦虑【语篇导读】本文主要阐述了人们居家办公后,再回到办公室办公时通常会感到焦虑的原因。28.C【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第一段中的“ If you're feelingsocial anxiety about returning to the office, you'renot alone. Many folks are feeling unsettled, "ny知,人们居家办公后再回到办公室办公感到不安是一种常见的现象。故选C29.A【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据第二段中的“ Familiar situationstend to be safer and more predictable for us. Theallow us to let our guard down.”可知,人们在熟悉的环境中往往不那么警惕。故选A30.B【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据最后两段的内容,特别是最后一段中的“ Good habits that felt solid and wellestablished when you were working from homewill become very fragile when your environmentand routines shift back to the office."可知,居家办公不同于在办公室的常规办公(如需要重新培养习惯等),由此可知B项正确,C项错误。再根据倒数第二段中的“ You might havelearned a bunch about what helps and hurts yourproductivity, and helps you feel happy."可知,文章没有明确说明居家办公对工作者的工作效率的影响,所以A、D两项错误。故选B。D【命题意图】考查写作意图。【解题思路】根据第一段的最后一句“ There aregood reasons that account for our anxiety."以及下文具体阐述的原因可知,作者写本文的目的是解释人们居家办公后回到办公室办公会感到焦虑的原因。故选D。长难包分析·1. If you're a parent, you might findyourself feeling anxious about being separated fromyour child during the day, even if this was routine inyour family before分析:本句是一个主从复合句。Ⅲ引导条件状语从句, even if引导让步状语从句。句意:如果你是一位父亲或母亲,你可能会发现自己因在白天与孩子分离而感到焦虑,即使这在你的家庭中以前是惯常的。2. Good habits that felt solid and well-establishedwhen you were working from home will become veryfragile when your environment and routines shift backto the office分析:本句是一个主从复合句。that引导定语从句,两个when引导的都是时间状语从句。


体裁:新闻报道主题:人与自然——环境保护【语篇导读】塑料玩具废物堆积成山,对环境产生严重影响。最近,以生产塑料积木而闻名的乐高公司宣布,他们找到了一种方法,可以用回收的PET塑料瓶来生产塑料积木32.A【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第一段第二句可知,塑料玩具的包装物最终都成了废物。其余几项均不符合文意,故选A33.c【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第二段中的“ Recently,Legohe company best known for their plastic bricksannounced they had found a way to make thebricks out of recycled PET plastic bottles."可知乐高公司宣布他们已经找到了一种用回收的ET塑料瓶制作积木的方法。另外根据第没中的“ The company hopes the bricks will beready to start being rolled out in 18-24 monthafter they' ve worked out how to make the coloursighter and the‘ clutch’ power stronger."可知该公司希望这些积木能够在18到24个月的时间内被正式推出,即乐高公司减少塑料垃圾的方法是用回收的塑料瓶制作积木。故选C34.D【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据第四段中的“ This marks thefirst time the company has publicly shown off aprototype(原型) brick, and Brooks said there'sa good reason why they re doing it now.”可知,Brooks在第四段主要表明了乐高公司展示其原型积木的目的。故选D。35.D【命题意图】考查细节理解解题思路】根据最后一段中的“ While the slowsteps Lego is taking are better than nothing, thiscould all be significantly sped up by introducingtougher regulations on single-use plastics. "H]s1乐高公司可以通过应用更严的官方规则来推动其让塑料玩具具有可持续性的进程。故选D。句分析' But those items generate a lot ofwaste and single-use plastic which contribute heavilyto climate change, which will certainly make the livesof these children much, much harder分析:本句是主从复合句。第一个 which引导跟制性定语从句,修饰先行词 waste and single-useplastic;第二个 which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的整个句子句意:但是那些物品会产生大量废物和一次性塑料,它们对气候变化产生很大影响,这肯定会使这些孩子的生活变得更加艰难。

英语周报第31期 2818--2022x答案

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