

第二节故事文本分析》1.故事大意:从未出过国的Noel只身前往冰岛旅游,在开着租来的车前往目的地的过程中,导航出错,把他带向了人烟稀少的偏僻地区。跟着导航继续前行了三个小时后,饥寒交迫的他终于确信导航出问题了。最终,导航把他带到了一栋小房子前。2.故事主題:得到陌生人的帮助。3.续写悬念:Noel来到这栋蓝色的房子后发生了什么事情?他得到了哪些帮助?写作思路点拨》1.思路:根据所给出的两段的开头语可知,蓝色的房子里应该有一位乐于助人的女士,而且Noel把事情经过以及自己逼到的困难告诉了那位女士。第二段开头语意为“了解了所发生的事情之后,这位女士主动提出帮助他。”考生可以就此晨开想象,比如Noel在长途跋涉后饥寒交迫的时刻,这位女士应首先帮助Noel解决食物和住宿的问题,帮助其先度过第一晚。第二天,Noel要继续前往目的地,而导航又不起作用,所以这位女士应会给Nol提供用来指引方向的实用工具。2.点拨:续写的语言要尽可能准确、生动、流畅。文章时态以一般过去时为主。考生要注意尽可能使句子的表达形式多样化,适当地使用一些高级句式和词汇,以提高书面表达的档次和可读性。文章要层次清晰,要点全面,符合写作要求。【参考范文】The directions ended at a small blue house in atiny town. Noel parked his car and headed towards thedoor. An old blue-eyed woman answered after thesecond ring. She smiled as he stammered about hihotel and handed her his reservation."No, this isn'tthe hotel you have booked. Your hotel is 380kilometres south. She told him in accented Englishwith a laugh. Noel quickly figured out whathappened: the address was wrong with an extra"rKnowing what had happened, the woman offeredto help him. She provided Noel a free meal and a bedso that he could get a good night's sleep. The nextday, Noel decided to drive to Reykjavik. In light ofhis previous experience, the woman gave him a mawith the main roads and landmarks carefully markedon it in case the device went wrong again. With thehelp of the woman,'s directions, Noel finally reachedhis destination. Without her help, I wouldnt havenade it. He was so thankful to the woman who wasjust a total stranger to him.亮点评析该范文延续了原文的语言风格,动词使用较为准确,情节续写较为合理。第一段续写中的一系列动词,如 parked,headed, answered, smiled, stammered等生动地描写了接下来发生的事情。最后一句“ Noel quicklyfigured out what happened the addrewith an extra‘r’init."交代了Noel的导航出错的原因。笫二段续写中,所给的开头语提到这位女士主动提出帮助Noel,那什么样的帮助是合理的呢?首先是给Noel解决了食宿等燃眉之急。第二天,Noel重新上路,这位女士则给他提供了地图等更可靠的工具,这与前文导航失误的情节相呼应。在段末,Noel再次表达了对这位女士的感谢,升华了文章的主题。另外,作者使用的语法结构较为丰富和准确,如使用了现在分词短语作状语“ Knowing what hadappened, the woman offered to help him.",虚拟语气“ Without her help, I wouldnt have made it.”等,这些都为文章增色不少。


体裁:记叙文主题:人与自我—优秀品行语篇导读】餐馆老板 Eliot Middleton利用空闲时间修理他人捐贈的废旧汽车,并把修理好的汽车送给有需要的人24.A【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第一段中的“ Instead, he picksup his tool kit and heads out to his front yardhere he works on one of the many junk carssting there."及第二段中的“ On his dayplaces, repairs, and satdonated vehicles."可知, Eliot在空闲的时候修理人们捐赠的废旧汽车。故选A25.B【命题意图】考查推理判断【解题思路】根据第二段中的“ He learned how toa teenager when his dad gave himwo that needed major repairs as soon as he gothis drivers license. He was tasked with taking thegood parts from both vehicles and creating onesafe, reliable ride. He did it and the project lefthim with a lifelong appreciation for auto repai可知,Eiot在青少年时期的汽车修理经历激发了他对汽车维修的终生热情。故选B。26.C【命题意图】考查词义猜测。【解题思路】根据全文中多次出现的关键词repair可知,此处表示 Eliot已经修理了其中的28辆汽车,且根据画线词后的 so he could givehem away to struggling families in his community可知,Eiot是把车修好后才将其捐赠给有需要的人的。C项是“修理”的意思,是 refurbish的同义转换。故选C。27.B【命题意图】考查主旨大意。【解题思路】通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了Eliot middleton利用空闲时间修理他人捐赠的废旧汽车,并把修理好的汽车送给有需要的人的温馨故事。B项最能概括文章的主旨大意,故B项为最佳标题。长难句分析 He learned how to repair cars as ateenager when his dad gave him two that neededmajor repairs as soon as he got his drivers license分析:本句是主从复合句。when引导时间状语从句;that引导的定语从句修饰先行词two; as soon as引导时间状语从句。句意:他一拿到他的驾驶执照,他的父亲就給了他辆需要大修的汽车,(所以)他在十几岁时就学会了如何修理汽车。

