

17.(1)证明:由an+1+an=2n,得an+am1=2(n-1)所以an+1-an-1=2,即数列{an}的奇数项和偶数项均为公差为2的等差数列由a1=2,a2+a1=2,得a2=32分所以a1=1+(m-1)×2=2-2=(2n=1)-2a2=2+(n-1)×2=2n-23分所以an=n-14分则an+1-an=(n+1)-2所以{an}是首项为,公差为1的等差数列5分(2)解:b2-(4n-1)=y2×2-(4n-1)6分√2、2(1-2”)_n(3+4T2(2n-1)-n(2n+1)7分Tn+1-Tn=√2(2+1-1)-(n+1)(2n+3)-2(2-1)+n(2n+1)=2×2"-(4n当n≤3时,T+1T所以T>T2>73>T 0.所以(Tn)mm=T4=15√2-36.………


第二节【语篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我一搭顺风车【文章大意】正处于二年生症候群困境、考虑着从大学退学的作者想要搭顺风车回学极。原本在对向车道行驶、载着妻子兜风的Aaron载作者回了学校。在路上,他热情地询问作者在大学学习的专业,并对作者毕业当教师的选择予以肯定。【核心素养】语篇讲述了想要退学的作者得到热心的陌生人的帮助和鼓励的故事,体现了人与人之间的关爱,引导考生培养乐于助人的优良品质,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观。【写作指导】 Paragraph1的开头是”在我们的行驶过程中, Aaron问了我的大学生活”。因此,本段应是作者的回答,作者向 Aaron他们介绍自己的校园生活。再结合第二段的开头可知,第一段还可涉及作者他们到达目的地以及作者和 Aaron他们告别的场景。Paragraph2的开头是"我看着车尾灯消失",由此可知,接下来的内容应该有关这次经历带给作者的感触和影响等。One possible versionParagraph 1As we drite on, Aaron asks me about my college life. I tell him abulthe classes I lake, acLiand even my career prospecTsI am surprised that I paint a positive picture of my experience. As we drivcloser lo campus, I begin lo doubt my decision te drop out. The sun issetting when we arrive. We say goodbye. As the car starts to drive offAaron rolls down his window and shouts, "Hey! Maybe my kid will haveyou as his teacher someday ""I'll keep an eye out for him, "I sayexcited and proudParagraph 2A uatch. the car unti! the tail lights disappear. For the first time, I sccmy life filled with my future in front of me, and I have a sense of purposelife. I make up my mind that I will continue my sophomore year, finishcollege, and go on to a successful leaching career. That's because, thatday, Aaron and Sylvia dont just give me a ride back to campus, but theyalso give me a ride to my future

