


41. forests 42 provides 43. badly 44. lively 45. through 46. Experiencing 47. why 48. earlier19. the 50. to come


第二节(满分25分)、参考范文Version 1Paragraph 1:Jennifer took up her phone and- looked at the screen. It was Yui Fay. She suggested Jenniferbring more clothes as they would have a big project tonight. Confused though she was, Jennifer didwhat she was told as always. She packed a few more clothes, the red dress included, and left for theappointed restaurant. Yui Fay had ' not arrived, so she took her time to scan the menu and thoughtabout what to orderParagraph 2:Just then, someone was coming towards Jennifer, Jennifer looked up and saw the face that shehad been dreaming these days. "Yui Fay! "She shouted excitedly and ran to give her a big hug. YuiFay smilingly hugged her back and told her what the big projcct was, Lets take a bus trip toBarcelona'and relive our adventure! "Yue Fay hadnt changed a bit, still the wild girl she used tobe.And Jennifer knew immediately that it would be a great dayVersion 2:Paragraph 1:Jennifer took up her phone and looked at the screen. It was Yui Fay. She said that she wouldnot be able to come and meet her and asked for a rain check. Jennifer was shocked and disappointedAfter all, she'd bcen waiting for this moment for ages. Sad though she was, she had no choice butto agree. Having hung up the phone, she aimlessly wondered on the strect and ended up walkinginto the appointed restaurant. The menu was filled with her favorite dishes yet she had little appetitefor anything. She was so sad that she was not aware of what would surprise her next.Paragraph 2:Just then, someone was coming towards Jennifer. She delicately patted Jennifer on one side ofher shoulder, slipped to the other side and said, "ls the seat taken? "Jennifer looked up and saw thatnaughty, wild and adventurous face that had been carved into her brain. "Yui Fay! "Jennifer shoutedout excitedly. " Why are you here? "Yui Fay smilingly explained that she had followed her the wholetime to give her a big surprise. The rest of the day was great joy. It turned out that they didn't changea bit, neither did their friendship

