


第三部分写作第一节【写作指导】审题本题属于应用文写作中的邀请信立意写作时使用第一人称和第二人称,时态以一般将来时为主首段陈述写邮件的目的;中间段介绍讲座的写作时间、地点和内容,并说明邀请理由;最后思路几谋篇一段表达期待布局冂注意:考生也可以灵活安排每段的写作内容,但不可以遗漏要点推荐根据构思好的提纲确定写作可能用到的表达,表达to: invite, attend a lecture, waste food, raiseone' s awareness of等【佳作展台】Dear MikeI am writing to invite you to attend a lecture about Clear Your plateThe lecture is to be held in our school hall at 2: 30 pm nextThursday. It will be given by our headmaster, who will tell us the reasonsfor launching the campaign. Besides, he will talk about various activitiesto be carried out which are aimed at raising students awarenessof savingI think the lecture can help us have a better understanding of the campaignand form the habit of saving.i do hope you can join me. Please write back soonYours.Li hua亮点梳理】本文开篇点明写邮件的目的,接着详细介绍了此次讲座的相关情况,最后表达期望,内容完整,语勺流畅,同时使用了亮点词汇和句子。亮点词汇:atnd, launch, carry out, be aimed at, raIse one'sawareness of, have a better understanding of =o亮点句式:①非限制性定语从句 who will tell us the reasons forlaunching the campaign②强调句 i do hope you can join me


A体裁:应用文主题:人与自我—洗衣常识【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了衣物护理标签上的几种洗涤符号的含义21.C【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】从本文第一段首句可知,每个人都有过衣服被洗坏的经历,第二句紧接着分析原因,由“ It is at this point youwish you had paid more attention to the washing symbols on thecare label.”可知,衣服被洗坏是因为在洗涤衣服前,你没有关注护理标签上的洗涤符号。由此可知C项正确22.D【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】从表格第三行中的第二、三句“ The gentle cycle isfor delicate fibres like wool or silk. or for items of clothing thatcould be damaged by a vigorous(剧烈的) washing.”可知,羊毛或丝绸材质的衣物不能剧烈洗涤,其护理标签上必然印有慢水循环标识( the Gentle Cycle symbol),故D项正确。s名师评题本题的备选项是四幅图片,而不是以往经常出现的文字形式。题目的设置非常新颖,也有一定难度。它要求考生不仅要读懂原文文字的内容,而且要全面理解图片所传达的信息23.A【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】从表格最后一行中的“ The Do Not Wash symbolis.. with a cross through it. If the label instructs.. it will haveto be dry cleaned after it gets dirty."可知,A项正确长难句分析 Everybody has experienced it at least once-pullingout a favorite item of clothing from the washing machine only to findthat it is now shrunken, discolored, or damaged分析: pulling out a favorite item of clothing from…作ⅱt的同位语,解释其具体内容; only to find后接宾语从句,表示一种意想不到的结果。句意:每个人都至少有过一次这样的经历,当你把心爱的衣物从洗衣机里掏出来时,结果发现它缩水、褪色,或者被洗坏了!词汇积累 Item r.一件商品(或物品) beneath prep.在(或往)……下面;在(或往)……下方 wrinkle n.皱纹,(布或纸上的)褶皱,皱痕 delicate au.易损的;易碎的;脆弱的 instructυ指示;命令;吩咐 get the hang of..掌握……的要领;了解的用法;找到诀窍

