2022-2023 英语周报 七年级 课标 16期答案

2022-2023 英语周报 七年级 课标 16期答案已经整理完毕,供同学们学习参考,更多英语周报答案,请关注本网站。


书面表达Dear Sir or MadamI am Li Hus, an exchenge student from China. Wanting to get a library card in your library.(背景2分)1 am writing to ask for some relvant information.(目的3分)to begin with, could you please tell me what kind of books can beborrowed?(要点一6分) besides, I would be very interested to ksomething about borrowing system, including how long I can keep thebooks, how many books I can borrow once, and how much I should pay(要点二6分)L8 t but not least, I also wonder when and where I canmake it.(要点三6分)a中aThanks for your ime and I would appreciate it if you can give an earlreply.(表感谢+期回复2分)1量里的0+Yoour sincere.yLi H点国惊口人国文


15.(1)0.8m0.2N/C(2)B=0.2nT(n=1,2,3……)T。=s(n=1·2,【解析】(1)将粒子在第二象限内的运动分解为水平方向和竖直方向,在竖直方向上做竖直上抛运动,在水平方向上做匀加速直线运动。则(1分)h=t=0.8m(1分)=一=2则qE1=2解得E1=0,2N/C(2分)(2)qE2=mg,所以带电粒子在第一象限将分段做匀速圆周运动,设粒子运动的轨迹半径为R,周期为T,则0.08qBn=mR可得R=B,(m)2分)使粒子从C点运动到D点,则有h=2nR=2n208计算得出B。=0.2nT(n=1,2,3,…)(1分)(1分)To T(1分(1分0

2021-2022 英语周报 七年级 课标 16期答案

以上就是2021-2022 英语周报 七年级 课标 16期答案,更多英语周报答案请关注本网站。