


【参考范文】We discussed pushing them back to the shore, but we were too far out. Patting their faces to wake them upwc continuously told thcm to bc strong. Aftcr what sccmcd a century, I fclt cxtrcmcly exhausted. Casting a lookat Tom, I could tell he was also apparently worn-out. I felt a sense of horror surging through my whole bodyFinally i spotted some boats with lifeguards heading towards us in the distance. I felt strong arms pull me out ofthe sea onto the board, and the two kids were sent to the hospital without delayThat night, word came from the hospital that the two kids were in good condition. Sighing in rclicfcouldnt stop thinking about the whole event. I knew they would have died if they had been in the sea for anyonger. Obviously I had done a big deal which is surely a good opportunity to show off. I had expected toexperience some sort of sense of well-being or greatness, but none of that came. Rather than feel like a hero, Ibclicvc anyone who could swim would havc donc thc samc thing



