2022-2023 英语周报 九年级 外研综合 44答案

2022-2023 英语周报 九年级 外研综合 44答案已经整理完毕,供同学们学习参考,更多英语周报答案,请关注本网站。


Sir years later, Radice found himself a patient atSt. Barnabas, infected with COVID-19. He couldn'tbelieve he was looking up into the eyes of the man whoseconfidence hed restored. At this time when doctorscouldn't help but be anxious, Pitera, once surrounded byworry, said he was able to deal with the stress far betterthan he would have before his heart attack. For Radicethose words "Not on my watch" were exactly what heneeded to hear. Slowly, day by day, his condition wasgetting better and better. Radice began his own exerciseprogram.Pitera visited as often as he could to cheer onRadices progress. Nearly 20 days after he wasadmitted, Radice was allowed to leave the hospital. Piteracame to his room to say goodbye."You saved my life,Radice told him. "You saved my life, " Pitera answeredback. Hospital employees lined the hallwaysapplauding, as Radice was wheeled to his wife waitingoutside."We have a lot of tough days ahead of usPitera said."Dan boosted a lot of people,s spirits justwhen we needed it



2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 外研综合 44答案

以上就是2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 外研综合 44答案,更多英语周报答案请关注本网站。