

书面表达One possible version:NOTICEA sports meeting will be held in the playground of our school from next Thursday to FridayAs you know, the pressure of study is very heavy now, especially for those senior 3. So the purpose of the sports meeting is to letevery student get relaxed, as a result of which we students can live happily and heal thilyEveryone is welcome to take part in it. Those who perform excellently at the sports meeting will get prizes. But don' t take theresults so serously because taking part is more important than the result. Good luck to everyone!


1.【答案】D电极反应为Br+2l2e=Br,容据【命题意图】化学实验的相关知识点的考章oye2 arats【解析】A.Na2O2与水或CO2反应生成O2,NaO2中的氧元素自身发生氧化还原反应生成B.溶液变红可知生成铁离子,可能为亚铁离子被酸性条件下硝酸根离子氧化,B错误了O2A错误C.无色溶液中加入稀NaOH溶液,可能生成-水合氨,未加热无氨气逸出,故湿润的红又色石蕊试纸未变蓝色,由操作和现象可知原溶液中可能含NH4,C错误;OD.由操作和现象可知溶液中含2和,D正确2△(100(:③O映

