2021-2022 英语周报 高二 新课程 44答案


第二节My dad tapped me gently on the shoulder, and we went inside. Sitting back to ourCornish chicken, Dad, smilingly, updated me on recent events at his work without a mere mentionof the crazy dough wildly dancing outside, which served wonderfully as a gentle embarrassmentreliever. However, while doing the dishes after dinner dad said to me with firmness in his voiceYou don' t have to be an expert to make bread, but you do have to do your research before takingactions. There is no such thing as an easy way out. And that was the starting point of my journeywith making the perfect breadAt a party three months later, everyone wanted to try my bread. The rest of the nightslipped away, filled with inquiries about my secret recipe. Yet, hardly was there a different answerother than, Beauty comes from balance and patience to be frank, that was exactly what I'dlearnt during my numerous experiments. An amazing loaf of bread required suitable balance ofingredients to mix as well as enormous patience of waiting for the dough to rise. Countless weremy failures to make tasty bread, every single moment of it was cherished. Along the journey, Ivedeveloped from the man whose dough sighs in a dustbin to the man whose bread makes your tastebut dance


20.(1)圆底烧瓶(1分)饱和食盐水(1分)(2)水浴加热(1分)Cl2+2OH=ClO-+C+H2O(1分)避免生成NaCO2(1分)(3)吸收尾气(1分)AC(1分)(4)过滤(1分)少量(冷)水洗涤(1分)(5)紫(1分)小于(1分)【解析】(1)根据盛放MnO2粉末的仪器结构可知,该仪器为圆底烧瓶;装置a中盛放饱和食盐水除去氯气中混有的HCl气体(2)根据装置图可知,盛有KOH溶液的试管放在盛有水的大烧杯中加热,该加热方式为水浴加热;装置c中氯气在NaOH溶液中发生歧化反应生成氯化钠和次氯酸钠,离子方程式为Cl2+2OH=ClO-+Cl-+H2O;根据氯气与KOH溶液的反应可知,加热条件下氯气可以和强碱溶液反应生成氯酸盐.所以冰水浴的目的是避免生成 NaClo3。(3)氯气有毒,所以装置d的作用是吸收尾气。Na2S可以将氯气还原成氯离子,吸收氯气,A可选;氯气在NaCl溶液中溶解度很小,无法吸收氯气,B不可选;氯气可与Ca(OH)2反应生成氯化钙和次氯酸钙,C可选;氯气与硫酸不反应,且硫酸溶液中存在大量的氢离子,会降低氯气的溶解度,D不可选。(4)装置b中试管内为KClO3和KCl的混合溶液,KCIO3的溶解度受温度影响更大,所以可将装置b中试管内的混合溶液冷却结晶、过滤、少量(冷)水洗涤、干燥,得到KClO3品体。(5)1号试管溶液颜色不变,2号试管溶液变为棕色,说明1号试管中氯酸钾没有将碘离子氧化,2号试管中次氯酸钠将碘离子氧化成碘单质,即该条件下KClO3的氧化能力小于 NaCIo;碘单质更易溶于CCl4·,所以加人CCl振荡,静置后CCl4层显紫色。

2021-2022 英语周报 高二 新课程 44答案

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