

B【语篇类型】记叙文(主题语境】人与社会一公益事业【文章大意】 Trinity Jagdeo为了帮助生病的朋友而创作包含有某种障碍或缺陷的超级英雄的漫画书,而且成立了非营利组织并致力于改变人们对有残疾或特殊需要的人的刻板印象。【核心素养】本文以 Trinity Jagdeo的善行为话题,展示了人与人之间的友好、尊重与关怀,有助于考生文明素养的养成,引导考生形成正确的价值和行为取向,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观。熟词新义》ie常用义:n.线,线条;排章沿……形成行(或列、排)The walls were lined with books.靠墙是一排排的图书词汇积累, relate to认同,理解,产生共鸣 Inspire 2.激励,鼓舞;赋予灵感,启发思考 take note of注意到,将……铭记在心look up to钦佩,仰慕,尊敬 bring sb./sth. to life使更有趣;使更生动4.C【关键能力】考查推理判断的能力【解题思路】根据第一段的" She even created comics withsuperheroes with disabilities for her best friend, Alexus Dick"a] All,rinty为她的朋友 Alexus创作包含有某种障碍或缺陷的超级英雄的漫画书。她这样做的原因在于下文的" Trinity wished her friendhad a hero she could relate to, but noticed that Alexus didnt haveanyone on screen who could inspire her",即 Trinity希望她的朋友Alexus有一个她能与之产生共鸣的角色,但是荧幕上没有能给予她鼓舞的这样一个角色,因此 Trinity决定自已创作这样的角色,故5.A【关键能力】考查理解词汇的能力【解题思路】根据第·段的” Alexus suffered from a rare and seriousdisease and was hospitalized for six months. Alexus would probablyspend her life in a wheelchair"和第二段的" Wed watched all of themovies that she had lining her roon... cheer her up"可知, Alexus生病住院,身体应是很虚弱的;而且她们还看了很多电影,电影中却没有能让她产生共鸣、受到鼓舞的角色。由此可知,在与疾病的斗午中,她身心俱疲。 drained表示"精疲力竭,无精打采",故 tired能替换该画线词6.B【关键能力】考查理解具体信息的能力。【解题思路】根据第三段的" Her first three comic books were Alicethe Ace written for Alexus, Zappy Zane inspired by Alexus's brotherwho suffers from a serious disease like Alexus and The We Can squadSares the Day including some kids with special needs from New Jersey可知,这三本漫画书以当地生病或有特殊需要的孩子为灵感来源枚选B易错点拨》本题易误选C项。根据最后一段的" a part ofthe. money from her books sold through her nonprofit goes to help afamily in need"可知,通过非营利组织出售书籍所得的一部分钱将用于帮助一个有困难的家庭,但漫画书的收入是否是该非营利组织的主要资金来源,我们无从得知,故可排除C項7.D【关键能力】考查理解主旨要义的能力。【解题思路】本文主要讲述了 Trinity的故事,她以鼓励生病的朋友为出发点而创作漫画书,后来她成立了非营利组织,致力于改变人们对有残疾或特殊需要的人的刻板印象,故D项能概括文章的主要内容技巧点拨》解答主旨要义题时,找到有关文章内容的关键词有助于快速选出答案。片面的选项因无法概括文章主要内容而不能入远。


书面表达One possible version:NOTICEA sports meeting will be held in the playground of our school from next Thursday to FridayAs you know, the pressure of study is very heavy now, especially for those senior 3. So the purpose of the sports meeting is to letevery student get relaxed, as a result of which we students can live happily and heal thilyEveryone is welcome to take part in it. Those who perform excellently at the sports meeting will get prizes. But don' t take theresults so serously because taking part is more important than the result. Good luck to everyone!

