

21.C根据后面的 he began watching baking videos判断,他九岁时爱上了烘焙( baking),22.A根据前面语境 He fell in love withat age nine, helping his grandmother make a cake判断,出于好奇( Curious),他开始看烘焙视頻。23.D根据句子中的also判断,除看烘焙视频之外,迈克尔还从父母那儿了解到( learning from)收入不平等和儿童饥饿的问题24.B根据前面的 income inequality and与后面的 the bakeryone to the homeless or hungry判断,迈克尔还从父母了解到收入不平等和儿童饥饿( hunger)的问题25.C根据后面语境 When I see people are hungry, I want to give them something.判断,他希望与那些不公正斗争(fght)26.A母亲在家里教她,说明他癫痫严重( serious)27.B根据后面语境 instead of at school判断,母亲在家里教( taught)他,而不是在学校28.D他患病,不能上学,所以认为他的活动受到限制( restricted),29. C that firm' s onefor- one model of giving是母亲给他买鞋之后发现的,所以用 discovered30.A公司的一对一的给予和激励模式给予了他灵感, Inspiration灵感31.B在2017年,在父母的帮助下,他创办了( founded)迈克尔甜品公司32.D每售出一份甜点,面包店都会捐出( donates)一份给无家可归或饥饿的人33.A根据后面语境asathat he's baking for others, not判断,迈克尔故意( deliberately)把撤号撤在公司的名字上34.B迈克尔故意把撇号撇在公司的名字上,提醒( reminder)他是在为别人而不是为自己烤面包35.C根据 he's baking for others判断,提醒他是在为别人而不是为自己( himself烤面包36.D根据前面的 When asked why Michael does it判断,这与我的信仰( faith)有关,37.A根据后面的 When I see people are hungry, I want to give them something判断,照顾( look after)他人是我和每个人的责任,38.B他尽自己的努力去帮助他人,所以认为这是我告诉他们没有被遗忘的方式(way)39.D根据后面的 creating a pay- what-yourcan grocery store判断,这是目标(goal)40.C根据后面语境 food is a right, not a privilege判断,这是他看待(sees)这事的方式


书面表达One possible version:NOTICEA sports meeting will be held in the playground of our school from next Thursday to FridayAs you know, the pressure of study is very heavy now, especially for those senior 3. So the purpose of the sports meeting is to letevery student get relaxed, as a result of which we students can live happily and heal thilyEveryone is welcome to take part in it. Those who perform excellently at the sports meeting will get prizes. But don' t take theresults so serously because taking part is more important than the result. Good luck to everyone!

