



Dear Sir or MadamI have heard that you are to be the architect for thenew library in our city. Considering the needs of dissabledpeople, I would like to offer several suggestionsIn my opinion, we should treat the disabled withrespect, which will make them feel comfortable. To beginwith, I suggest a ramp that is suitable for wheelchairs bedesigned at the entrance to the library, and special passages as well as toilets that the disabled adapt to should bebuilt so that they can use them easily. Besides, readingrooms should be on the first floor. This will make; it convenient for them. What's more, all the computers should beequipped with special software for the blind. In (dditionbook shelves should be designed to be reached by people, inwheelchairhus, they can have access tothele books freely.I hope you will find these suggestions practicalYours faithfullyLi hua

