

读后续写【参考范文But this Christmas would be di erent with the /lu spreadingthrough the town. The flu occurred about ten days before Christmas. Unfortunately, all five of us girls came down with the virusWith Christrnas Day drawing near, we just didn't show any signof recovery. So our parents warned us not to attend the Christmasparty in case we would spread the flu to more people. We had nochoice but to stay at home, feeling upset and depressed. We wereawfully afraid that we'd have to go without Santa Claus and thelong expected event this ChristmasUnexpectedly, on Christmas Eve, u knock came at our frontdoor, I opened the door, only to find a Santa Claus standing rightbefore me with several big paper bags in his armsI"Ho, ho, holHe shouted merrily with shining eyes,"I've heard there are somesick kids in this house. We can't have them missing out onChristmas." The voice sounded so young and familiar! Lookingcloser, we were shocked to discover that our personal Santa wasBrent Wadsworth! Thanks to his special visit, we had the mostmorable Christmas ever.



