

局二一轮复习·新咼考第二节One possible versionDear Sir/madamI' m writing to complain about a Kindle that I pur-chased from your website on May i stAfter one week of its purchase, I found it didnt workas expected. The battery didn't last long after beingrecharged, perhaps merely half a day. Worse than that, thewords on the screen were not distinct enough, which i thinkis damaging to my eyesighthave been a devoted customer of your company and: Ihope you will look into the matter seriously and replace thefaulty Kindle with a new one as guaranteed. Thank youYours sincerelyLi Hua


(1)强(1分)<(1分)(2)Se0,+2S0+2H2O--2H: SO+Se+(2 53)H2SO4(浓)>SO2>50(1分)(3)增大接触面积,提高反应速率(2分)过滤(1分(4)Se+2HNO2(浓)一H2SO3+NO↑+NO2↑(5)Na, TcO, (1 4) TeO:-+3H, O-+4e -Te+6)Te++2S02+4H2O-Te+8H++250【解析】(1)非金属性:Se ScO2>S02(3)阳极泥粉碎后,与浓硫酸的接触面积增大,加快反应速率。Se难溶于水,可通过过滤法分离4)Se与浓硝酸反应的化学方程式为Se+2HNO(浓(5)TeO2与足量NaOH溶液反应生成 NBz TeOH2Oi阴极的电极反应式为Te-+3H1O+6)TeCl4和SO2、H2O反应生成Te、HSO和HC(7)由(6)可知,流程中可循环利用的物质是H2SO

