2018-2022 英语周报 高一 外研综合 48答案


第二节【语篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我—个人经历【文章大意】2岁时,作者告诉身边的人她要成为下一个迈克尔乔丹,于是作者的父亲在她6岁时和她签署了一份合同,约定作者练习篮球要满10000个小时,最终作者在15岁时实现了这个目标。【核心素养】语篇向考生传递坚持的重要性,教导考生要信守诺言、坚持不懈,同时文章凸显"体育",引导考生重视体育锻炼,养成运动的好习惯。【写作指导】 Paragraph1的开头是"那晚,我们开了一个派对有一个巨大的篮球形状的蛋糕″,由此可推断,夲段应该描绘派对上的情形。结合文章信息可知,这个派对是为了庆祝作者实现目标而举办的,所以本段可能会涉及家人及朋友对作者的祝贺;再根据 Paragraph2的开头可知,派对上作者的父亲拿出了作者当初签署的合同,所以本段还应该涉及对该情景的描写以及作者看到合同时的感受根据 Paragraph2的开头"我和父亲把纸放在蜡烛的火焰上,看着它幔慢燃烧"可知,作者完成了当初约定的目标,所以她和父亲烧掉了合同,由此可推断,本段应该描述合同被烧掉后,派对中家人和朋友的反应,以及作者今后的打算。One possible versionParagraph 1That enening we had a party, with a huge basketball-shaped cake. Ontop of the cake were five candles that read "10, 000". I had never been soproud. My dad made a speech, and many of my friends came tocongratulate me. It was when the cakes candles were Jit thal my dadhanded tme the paper I had signed on that fateful day at the age of six. Ifelt tears welling up as i traced the letters on thal paper, each engraved inParagraphDad and I held the paper to the candle's flame and watchedburn. Those powerful words that had bound me for nearly 10 yearpointless now. The crowd of family and friends gave a great cheer to me.So, are you going to quit now? " a friend asked. I looked around, staringat the many pictures of Michael Jordan, and of me doing basketballpractice over the years. Then, without hesitation, I smiled and shook myhead. " Never, "I responded


第三部分第一节41.B根据下文“ and practice”以及常识可知,成为一名打击乐手需要大量的技巧(skil)和练习。42.D根据上下文语境可知,上下文为转折关系,应用 though43.B根据下文“ in the percussion section”以及51空后“ feel vibrations(震动) from the instruments”可知是看到打击乐器区的乐器( instruments)44.A结合45空后“ for a solo percussionist”可知,格兰尼想要成为打击乐手,说明她意识到自己喜欢打击乐,属于( belonged)打击乐45.C根据下文“ the Royal Academy of Music in london”和" take her”可知,格兰尼向伦教皇家音乐学院提出申请( applied to)。46.D根据上文“ she knew that was where she44"和“ However, never hearing of it, they were unsurebout accepting her.."以及下文“ she persuaded them to take her.”可知,她一直很有决心( determined)成为打击乐手,所以说服学院录取了自己47.A结合下文“ she has gained fame as the worlds first fulltime solo percussionist and won manyawards”可知,格兰尼在1985年第一次参加了职业演出( appearance)。49.B结合下文“ especially sight, feeling and touch”可知格兰尼运用自己的感官(see)来跟随音乐50.B根据上文“ Paying close attention to the”"以及常识可知,乐手演奏时是密切注意台上的指挥( conductor)。51.D根据下文“ her to feel vibrations(震动) from the instruments through the floor”可知光脚让格兰尼能够感受到乐器通过地板发出的震动。 allow sb, to do sth.表示“允许某人做某事”52.A根据下文“ as she moves from one instrument to the next”可知,格兰尼不断( constant)从一种乐器移到另一种乐器53.C结合下文“ disabilities aren' t barriers”可知,格兰尼证明了残疾并不是障碍,成为了一个鼓舞人心的人( Inspiration)。54.C结合上文格兰尼的一系列表现可知,格兰尼证明(pove)了残疾并不是障碍。55D根据下文“ to thinking differently'”可知,此处将残疾比喻为开启不同思维的大门( doors)。

2018-2022 英语周报 高一 外研综合 48答案

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