

22.本题主要考查参数方程与普通方程、极坐标方程与直角坐标方程转化和极坐标方程的运用,考查推理论证能力、运算求解能力,考查数形结合思想.满分10分解:(1)由x=4得pcos6-4=0,即p=所以l的极坐标方程为A=cos0分costly=2+2sin0得x2+(y-2)2=4,即x2+y2-4y=0所以p2-4 psin e=0,即p=4sin0以C的极坐标方程为P=4sin4得|OA|HP得| OBHe=4sin7分所以=4sina=sin a cosa - sin 2a8分所以当a=-或一时的最大值为10分


书面表达One possible version:Dear Mr. Smith.First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your school s sixtieth anniversary. The long history of theschool brings up its outstanding campus culture and educational concept. I take great pride in studying at thisexcellent school, At your invitation, I will perform a Chinese folk dance at the celebration ceremony to expressmy congratulations. Please prepare the audio equipment to play the accompanying music. I will prepare thedance music and costumes myself. I am delighted to be able to make a modest contribution to the promotion ofChinese culture and cultural exchanges between China and the UKBest wishes.Yours truly,Li Hu

