2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 GDY 26答案




【答案与解析】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了芝加哥的几个步行之旅。21.C细节理解题。根据“ On The Magnificent Mile Tour, you will discover fun Chicago facts like the historyof deep dish pizza while exploring our most popular downtown areas.”可知, The magnificent Mile Tour介绍了芝加哥深盘披萨的历史,所以它会吸引想了解披萨的人22.B数字计算题。根据“ Groups of6-9 must pay$1,0 per person. If your group is10 or more, we willgive you twenty percent off.”可知,Tom一行11人可以打八折,因此每人需要付800美元,所以一共需要支付8800美元。23.C文章出处题。通读全文、尤其是文章第二段“ You could look through the tours that we have by clickingthe links below.”可推断,本文最有可能出自网站。

2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 GDY 26答案

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