2021-2022 英语周报 高二 课标提升 18答案


One possible versionSeveral minutes later, the ice broke suddenly and Harry's feet sank into the water. It was noep, but his legs got wet to the knees. Harry was so upset that the accident would delay hisschedule. He had to find some firewood to build a fire to dry his clothes. He pulled off his glovestook out his matches, and lighted the fire. Seeing the burning fire, he had thought he was safe. Butsuddenly, without warming, a heavy mass of snow dropped down. The flame of hope was put outUnluckily, his dog ran away and the fear of death came over Harry. He had no choice but torun to save himself. However, he did not feel his feet when they hit the ground. Having falleneveral times, he decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed he was not shaking. Hecould not feel his nose or fingers or feet. A feeling of horror came into his mind. It was when herealized he was going to die that he heard a bark and the noise his friends made


答案】BCD【解析】分析】详解】A.两物体变速运动时的加速度大A=2m/2根据t0.5s时,两滑块相距Ar=x(vt2A错误B.传送带启动物体的速度为v, -af=5m/s皮带速度相等所用时在t=1.5s时,甲滑块速度与皮带相等传送带启动时,乙物体的速度为n与皮带速度相等所用时间此在t1.5s时,乙滑块速度与皮带相等故1.5s时,两滑块速度相等,B正确C.0-0.5s内,乙相对传送带的位移大小at2=075mls-1.5s内,乙相对传送带的位移x2=w-(可+at)=1m因此0-1.5内,乙相对传送带的位移大小为x1=025mC正确D.甲相对传送带的位移d-y=6×1.5m-X2×15m-3×lm=37m滑块传送带间摩擦生热量g1=m18·知=7.5J乙滑块传送带间摩擦生热量e=m,g (n+x,=7J因此0-2.5s内,两滑块与传送带间摩擦生Q=g+C2=145JD正确BCD

2021-2022 英语周报 高二 课标提升 18答案

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