

第三节书面表达One possible versionDeaar PeterHere comes a piece of good news. Chinese SummerCamp, which is intended for international students, istgoing to be held in our school this summer vacation. Sinceyou are interested in Chinese culture, I'd like to invite youto Join it.The Camp is scheduled to last 11 days, from JuliN 8dhto 28th. It covers a wide variety of cultural activities, ranging from studying Chinese daily expressions to attendingsome lectures on Chinese history and traditional culture. Aswe all know, language is closely related to culture, so Fmconvinced that you can dig out Chinese cultural featuresfrom language study. In addition, the Camp provides achance for you to visit some famous museums, which is thebest way to learn about the country. By admiring the historical relics, you will definitely gain a better understanding ofthe country. If you want to be part of it, please sign up forSit before July 2nd at our school website.king forward to your early reply.YourALi Hua



