

15. taken


第二节【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了包括人类在内的哺乳动物的一些睡眠现象。尽管睡眠经常被研究,但睡眠仍然是现代科学尚未完全破解的最大谜团之36.E【解析】前文描写了四种哺乳动物:狗、海象、狮子与河马打盹的景象,E项中的“ These sleepy scenes"承接上文,“ make people puzzled"呼应下文的“Why”。37.A【解析】前文“ Be prepared for a surprising andascinating answer to these questions"说明答案是令人吃惊的,结合下段首句“ Though constantly studied,sleep is one of the great mysteries modern sciencehasn' t completely cracked."可知,下文说明了科学家的研究,人类的睡眠是否越多越好并没有明确的答案,A项“ Nobody knows.(没人知道)”符合语境,承上启下38.G【解析】上文“ One idea is that sleep in mammals hasto do with body size and diet”说明睡眠与体型大小有关,下文“ A reason for this may be that the larger ananimal is, the more calories it needs, and the moretime it needs to spend eating.”说明其中一个原因可能是,体型越大,需要的卡路里越多,与G项中的“lesssleep is related to a larger body”一致。39.D【解析】前文讲到“ sleep in mammals has to do withbody size and diet”,下文又说“ Sleep is complex,hardto measure in wild animals and even harder tonterpret.",两种观点不一致,D项中的“ However”表示转折关系,因此推断D项“然而,事情远远没有解决”符合语境,引出下文。40.B【解析】前面段落陈述一般哺乳动物的睡眠,下文Raizen said the most important thing is for people tolisten to their bodies and get as much sleep as they feelthey need"描述了人类的睡眠,由此可知,此段转到人类睡眠时间的问题上来。

