2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标实验 49答案


第二节【语篇类型】说明文【主题语境】人与社会杜会现象【文章大意】如今,越来越多的人沉迷于手机,文章介绍了手机上瘾问题的成因和危害。词汇积累1 crucial ad.至关重要的,关键性的This aid money is crucial to the government's economic policies, i&tE援助全对政府的经济政策至关重要2. lean on依靠,依赖(……的帮助和支持He leans heavily on his family.他在很大程度上依赖他的家庭3. register t,受到注意,注意到,记住She had told me her name before, but I guess it didnt register. ieb vi前告诉过我她的名字,不过我好像没在意16.F考查细节支撑句。空处所在段主要说明手机上瘾的表现项"很多人无论何时都很少离手机超过五英尺远”符合语境,且与本空后的" That is what is known as nomophobia… disconnects youfrom the world"相呼应17.B考査细节支撑句。空前讲到于机上瘾可能是一些潜在的情感和心理问题导致的,室后的" Overuse of a phone can be a supportanxicty lcan on too"是对这句话的解释,由句中的"to"可推断,空处所在句也应是段落首句的解释,故选B项"它可能是抑郁症或心理健康失调的副作用”。易错点拨》本题易误选D项。D项中的关键词以及句子结构都适用于本空,但该项在阐述手机上瘾的后果,与前后意义不连贯,赦可推除E考查细节支撑句。空后讲到后果会很严重,接着是对面对面的人与人之间交流动的好处的说明,故空处的内容与于机上瘾对人际关系的影响有关。故选E项19.G考查细节支撑句。空前提到了人与人面对面交流的诸多好处,G项"发短信、通过手机交谈和进行网络交流做不到这些"承接上文,选项中的 these指代上文提到的人与人面对亩交流的好处20.A若查承上启下句。空前讲到长时间盯着屏幕会阻碍大脑释放种与睡眠有关的化学物质,空后提到因此,过度使用手机会扰乱正常的睡眠模式。A项"这样,我们的身体就没有注意到我们累了"承上启下,符合语境


思路分析作者遇到车祸住进医院,在整理自己的东西时,发现其中有一件夹克是醉酒驾驶的肇事者的,作者在夹克的口袋里发现一个笔记本,里边夹着一张2万美元的中奖的刮刮卡。作者面临春一个选择:这张卡该自己留下还是归还给差点要了自己命的肇事者呢?审要求:读后续写,本文语篇类型属于记叙文。2审人称、时态:以第一、三人称以及一般过去时为主3审要点护士说明作者住院的原因并把物品交给作者一作者发现了肇事者的笔记本和中奖的刮利卡并产生思想斗争一作者从笔记本中了解到肇事者一直在努力戒酒一作者深知戒酒是件不易的事。4.续写时需要注意原文中以下线索i)hat caused the accident?2)How did the writer feel after finding the winning scratchticket? Why?3)What was written in the notebook? What impressed the writer?4)How did the story of the writer's father influence his decision?审所绐首句:Para. I Just as that thought entered my mind, the nurse walked in根据上一段最后一句可知作者不愿看到任何人遭受父亲我涸过程中所受的苦,哪怕是差点要了他的命的那个人。本段开头一句是正想着这个事,护土进来了。接下来作者应该会向护士说明自己发现了什么,自己怎么看待肇事者以及自己的决定是什么。Para. 2 The next couple of days passed, and it was time to goome and take care of myself问到家后发生了什么?作者的感受如何?这一段应交代文章的垂要线索—那张中奖刮刮卡的最终归属,以及作者的内心感受参考范文Just as that thought entered my mind, the nurse walked in. I saidto her, "I was going through this bag of my belongings when I foundthat this jacket belonged to the other person in the accident. "Shereplied, "Sorry, we must have made a mistake. " I told her about thejoumal, saying that he had gone without drinking for 75 days the daybefore he hit me. He was trying. Then I handed her the jacket and thnotebook, aiong with the winning 20, 000 scratch ticketThe next couple of days passed, and it was time to gotake care of myself. When I got to the gate, I checked the mail asusual. Unexpectedly, I found an envelope which included the winnings20, 000 scratch ticket and a note saying, "You retumed this to me ata time when most people would have kept it. This is for you. I'm ssorry for your pain resulting from my fault. I stood there cryingpraying for a successful ending to his recovery journey

2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标实验 49答案

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