

审题指导》树立读者意识,简要而得体地表达“安慰”和“祝愿”,实现成功的交际。2.了解时事,简单介绍病毒的来源。3.重点表达拓展部分—“预防建议”,展示可行而必备的防控常识。【参考范文Dear derikI know you are traveling in Wuhan, but the COVID-19 attacksUnexpectedly. I'm writing to extend to you my comfort and courage tolive through these hard daysIt's said that COVID-19 originated from wild animals. So don'tworry or even panic, yet you have to keep yourself safe as Isuggest below.1. Make sure the shared space has good air flow andourhands frequentlyOUr 2. Avoid going to crowded places and remember to wear a maskdoors if it3. In order not to get infected, you had better exercise regularlyto strengthen your immune system4. Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms likefever, fatigue, cough or trouble breathingI hope you can take protective measures and stay well beforereturning homeLi hu



