

Writing 3Dear JamesI am glad to have received the book Biogra phy o/Lincoln you bought for me. I like it very much and amwriting specially to express my thanks for your kindness.You know, Lincoln is my hero. He came from a poorfamily and had only several monthseducationHowever, he became a present of the United States. Whata great man! When I received the book, I felt more thanexcited. That was not only because you sent me a birthdaresent but also because it was the exact book I wantedYou are so thoughtful!Thanks again and best wishes to youYLi h


15.(1)0.48m(2)2s【解析】(1)乙向下做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小为2gcos30°+m:sin30°=12.5m/s2(1分)甲向下做匀减速直线运动,加速度大小为a:=u: m,gcos 30"+AI(n+m:)g cos 30-mI gsin 30设甲和乙刚好达到共同速度时速度为v1,所用时间为t1,根据运动学公式可得(1分)甲的位移为x甲=D1:-2ai=0.84m(1分)乙的位移为xz=a1!i=0.36乙相对甲滑行的最大距离△(2)当甲和乙刚好达到共同速度的瞬间启动传送带时,对甲、乙系统,有p1(m1+m2)gcos30°=(m1+m2)gsin30°(1分)所以甲、乙与传送带共速前,甲、乙一起做匀速直线运动,运动时间为(]分)甲、乙一起运动的位移x1=v;t2=3m(1分)甲、乙与传送带共速后,甲、乙与传送带一起做匀加速直线运动,根据运动学公式有L=vts+at(1分)解得t3=1s(1分)从启动传送带到甲的下端运动到传送带底端N点所用的时间t=t2+t3=2s(1分)

