


【答案】1.D2.C3.B【解析】本文是一则应用文。文章介绍了大学预科项目所提供非学分课程1题详解推理判断题。根据第一段中的“ Students will experience college-level courses given by some of our college'sleading experts and will receive written feedback(r ta)on their work at the end of the course. Pre-college studentswill also receive a grade of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and a certificate of completion at the conclusion of theprogran(学生将体验学院顶尖专家开设的大学水平课程,并在课程结束时收到有关工作的书面反馈。大学预科生也将获得满意/不满意的成绩,并在课程结束时获得结业证书)”可推知,这篇文章是写给大学预科生的,即高中生。故选D【2题详解】细节理解题。根据 COURSE: Psychology of Creativity中的“Jme15-Jume186月15日-6月18日)”及其他课程时间的安排可知,如果你只有在六月有空闲时间,你可以选择 Psychology of Creativity。故选C【3题详解】细节理解题。根据 COURSE: Creative Storytelling中的“ This college-level course in creative storytellingfunctions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing,such as short fiction and playwriting(这门大学水平的创造性故事课程介绍了各种不同形式的创造性写作中出现的故事技巧,如短篇小说和戏剧写作)”可知,如果你对创意写作感兴趣,你应该选择 CreativeStorytelling,该课程的授课人是 Edith freni。故选B


Possible version:Tom thought for a moment and was about to agree, but he changed his mind. " I can't, BenYou know Aunt Polly wants the fence to be perfect. It has to be done very carefully.I don'tthink you can do it well enough. "He said to Ben, who looked a little discouraged. "Oh, Tom, I'llbe careful. Please let me have a try I would like to give you my apple if you agree, "requestedBen In the end, Tom gave up the brush with unwillingness on his face, but joy in his heartWhile ben worked at the fence in the hot sun Tom sat under a tree, eating the apple, andlanning how to get more help. many of his other friends walked past him. Each one came topllaugh, but remained to whitewash the fence because they all got interested in it. One by one, theywhitewashed the fence, each giving Tom a reward, big or small. If he hadn't run out ofwhitewash, Tom would have owned everything belonging to his friends. He had a most wonderful andidle Saturday, sitting in the shade and enjoying the rewards that his friends gave him

