英语周报2018 2022高二外研19期答案


20.(11分)(1)3NO(g)+O3(g)=3NO2(g)△H=-317 kmOl(2分)(2)①2BaO+4NO2+O2=2Ba(NO3)2(2分)②ABC(3分,每答对一项得1分,错选得0分)(3)①3Cl2+8OH+2NO=2NO3+6CI+4H2O(2分)②次氯酸钠在酸性条件下氧化能力增强(2分)


第四部分At seven o'clock on last Sunday, my friends and Istart off from my home with food and water for a moun-startedtain clim bing It took them about an hour to got to the footof the mountain by bike. At eight we began to climb themountain, talk and laughing. One and a half hour later,talkinghoursve reached the top of the mountain, where we sanggether, told stories but even played some funny gamesAfter that we put that we had taken on a piece of clothand had a big lunch, Then at a bout two o' clock in the afternoon we began to go back home, tired but happily.appy71.删除on考查介词。 last Sunday可以直接作时间状语,前面不需要加介词72. start→ started考查动词时态。根据时间状语lastSunday可知,谓语动词应用一般过去时态73.them→-us考查代词。结合上下文语境可知,人称代词them使用错误,应改为us74.got→get考查非谓语动词,不定式符号to之后接动詞原形75. talk--talking考查非谓语动词。此处为非谓语动词短语在句中作伴随状语。76.hour- hours考查名词复数, one and a half hours为常用表达,意为“一个半小时”。77. but-and考查并列连词,根据语境可知,转折连詞but使用错误,应改为and。78.第二个that→what考查宾语从句,what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语79.bg前添加a考查冠词。名词 lunch之前有形容词修饰,且在句中表示泛指,故之前添加a。80. happily-- happy考查形容词。此处用形容词 tired和hap py作状语。

英语周报2018 2022高二外研19期答案

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