

16.(1)<(2)③>②>①(3)CN+CO2+H2 O=HCN+HCO:(4)1.8×10(5)c(CI)>C(NH)>C(H)>C(OH-)(6)2c(OH)-2c(H)或2×(10-5每空2分)解析:(5)d点酸碱恰好完全反应生成氯化铵,氯化铵水解导致溶液呈酸性,c(H)>c(OH)结合电荷守恒可得c(NH) c(NH)>c(H+)>c(OH(6)b点溶液中存在电荷守恒:c(NH)+c(H+)=c(OH)+c(C1),存在物料守恒c(NH3·H2O)+c(NH)=2c(C1),可得2c(H)+c(NH)=2c(OH)c(NH3·H2O),则c(NH)-c(NH3·H2O)=2c(OH)


ear jonaIm glad to hear from you and i d like to share withyou something about serving chopsticksi As you know, people in China are encouraged to useserving chopsticks, which are different from personal chopticks in shape and colour serving chopsticks are used totake food from shared dishes. You can add food to yourbowl with them, but never place them into your mouth oryour own bowlUsing serving chopsticks benefits everyone at tableFirst of all, it prevents diseases from' spreading while weare eating together. We can also use them to put food intoothers bowls, thus creating a pleasant and harmoniousdining atmosphereHoping you'l come to China to experience themfirst handYoourL i hua

