

第二节【语篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我——生活态度【文章大意】作者被诊断得了乳腺癌,手术后为了避免复发,需要进行化疗,但因为特殊的形势,家人不能在医院陪护她。作者一度情绪低沉,但是慢慢地作者转变了态度。在医疗人员的关怀下,作者战胜了疾病,也收获了真正的友谊和自信。【写作指导】 Paragraph1的开头是"我决定做出更多积极的改变",因此本段续写要体现出作者在化疗过程中行为和态度的积极Paragraph2的开头是"此外,我从负贲化疗的团队中获得了支持",因此接下来的内容应该以描述医疗工作人员对作者的支持、作者和他们的相处以及作者的感受为主,可以作者对所有支持和帮助过自己的人表达感谢来作为文章的结尾。One possible versionaragraph II decided to make more positive changehair lossdoesn't mean I'm not pretty anymore. Failing to visit the hairdresser's, Idecided to shave my head. With teary eyes, I whispered, "Goodbye,mhair. Goodbye cancer. When I looked in the mirror I didnt see thehair that was missing, but the confidence on my face. And whergained my strength, instead of worrying about work arrangements, I reador listened to podcasts, which became rare relaxing time for meParagraph 2What's more, I found support in my chemo team. Initially nothingrightened me as much as the prospect of chemo especially withoutcompany of a loved one. But kindness and sensitivity of the chemo crewwas a comfort. I'd ask the nurses what they did in their off-time. Mteam would clap as I'd tick off another completed session, I treasure thememory of my recently completed final session: we danced as I"rangthe bell "-a graduation ceremony marking the end of a patientscourse of cherno


第二节【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。随着网络支付的普及,孩子们的零花钱都要家长通过手机来支付了,一些商家开发出了相应的应用程序,目的在于帮助孩子们学会理财。16.参考答案A说明分析根据上文“ With the move towards a cashless society, childrenmay not be putting coins in piggy banks for much longer. "a]I随着社会越来越走向无现金化,孩子们可能不会再把硬币放进存钱罐里了;再根据下文“ A lot of mobile budgeting Apps forchildren appear worldwide:"可知,全球出现了很多针对儿童的移动预算应用程序。所以A项(现在零花钱也在趋向无现金化)承上启下,符合语境17.参考答案E说明分析根据上文“ These Apps offer a simple money managementservice to children. Parents can add money to childrensaccounts.”可知,这些应用程序为孩子们提供了简单的理财服务,父母可以往孩子们的账户里存钱;再根据下文“Thecompanies behind the Apps say that they could be a valuable wayof teaching young children about money."可知,开发这些应用程序的公司表示,它们是一种很有价值的方式,可以教会孩子们如何理财。所以E项(孩子们可以选择把它存起来,或者用卡来花掉)承上启下,符合语境18.参考答案F说明分析根据下文“ Because one in four teenagers are unable to makea simple dccision. could help children learn money managementdeas and make things better”可知,四分之一的青少年不知道如何花钱和理财,所以F项(这些应用程序的日的在于解决儿童理财方面的一些问题)与下文衔接,符合语境19.参考答案B说明分析根据上文 The Swedish App Gimi has a cashless bank wherechildren can get money in two ways. One is the interest theirparents give them because of the money they save”可知,孩子们可以通过应用程序Gim用两种方式获得钱,一种是父母给他们的利息,B项(另一种就是通过做家务得到的钱)讲述了另种方式,与上文衔接,符合语境。参考答案G说明分析根据上文“ Haglund believes the App can teach good spendinghabits, while schools focus more on lessons of money management可知,这款软件可以教会学生良好的消费习惯,而学校则更注重理财方面的课程;再根据下文"It' s more about the relationshipyou have with parents money when you're 6 to 12 ycars可知,更多涉及当你6到12岁时你和父母的钱之间的关系。所以G项(你不会仅仅因为掌握了理财知识就变得更擅长理财)承上启下,符合语境。

