

41.C根据后面的 he asked what I would be doing with this little tree可知,作者在跟超市的收银员聊天(chatting)42.A根据前面的 I was purchasing a little tree, some lights,and可知,作者购买的是圣诞树、装饰用的灯和其他装饰物( decorations)43.B前面提到,收银员问作者这棵小圣诞树干啥用,所以这里是对此做出解释( explained)。44.D后面收银员提到,他的爷爷也住在护理中心,由此可知,作者的父亲不再居住(ived)在家里45.B根据后面的 and kindest look可知, sympathetic与 kindest是同一范畴的词,收银员用最同情、最善良的目光看着作者46.A根据后面的 my Dad was on the same journey可知,收银员的爷爷跟作者的父亲一样,患同样的病,都不住在家里(home)47.D前面提到,收银员的爷爷跟作者的父亲情况一样,因此(So)作者才跟他说父亲的情况也是一样48.C根据后面的 about the difficult challenges that come with this cruel disease可知,作者跟收银员谈论了( talked)这种残酷的病带来的困难和挑战49.B根据前面的 not only for those with the illness可知,这种困难和挑战不仅是对于患者,对他们的家庭( families)也是一样50.D根据前面的 He finished entering my可知,收银员把作者买的东西( purchases)全部输入结算设备,此处 ring up的意思是“把款项记入现金进出记录机”51.A根据后面的 from a drawer可知,收银员从抽屉里拿出( took out)一些优惠券52.C因为是在超市用电脑结算,所以收银员开始( started)把这些优惠券扫描进电脑53.B前面提到使用优惠券,使得作者买的东西的价格减少了( reduced)超过百分之六十。54.D根据前面的 I gratefully thanked him可知,作者对收银员非常感激( appreciated),55.A根据前面的 We wished each other Merry Christmas可知,作者跟收银员互相祝贺圣诞节快乐,也给予对方的亲人最美好的愿望( hopes),56.D根据后面的 On the way home可知,作者觉得他该走了(go),57.C根据后面的 thinking of the kindness he had offered可知,回家的路上,作者一直在想这位收银员对他的好处。 kept thinking of"一直在想”58.C根据后面的 I had purchased for my Dad可知,此处指的是作者给父亲买的那些物品( Items),59.A根据后面的But转折词可知,作者最感激的( grateful)是二人之间的交流、沟通60.B作者感激把两人相同经历联系起来( connect)这种的机会


第二节ne possible versionThe Smoke House has had a reputation for kindness ever sinceOliver is dad. His father was the original owner and was in chargeof the Smoke House. in addition to helping travelers in needOliver's father was also involved in the community by helpingto establish a state park, a medical center and more. These oftenoffered some help to some people who were in trouble or inneed. Oliver said his father encouraged him to help others fromhis childhood. And when his father passed away, the House wasleft to Oliver, and he continued offering help to those who arein needA month later, Susan returned to the smoke House. ToOliver's surprise, Susan gave the money back to Oliver. Her motherrecovered from the illness after she looked after her patiently, andshe said she was ready to pass kindness to others. For Susan, theSmoke House is a charity in her heart. When you' ve got foodou cant turn away people who need help, she said she wouldremember what Oliver once said.

