英语周报 2018-2022 八年级 GDY 9答案


第一节单句语法填空47. discovered48. wool(I)en49. injured51. into52, determined53. preference4. begging55. cruelty


第三节One possible versionParagraph 1As the cashier put the DVD into a plastic bag, / walkeder to the younger woman. "Is that your mom? "I askedhalfway expecting her to tell me it was none of my businessBut she rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah. "I smiled toshow her I wasn't criticizing.Cherish her, "I said. Andn I answered her curious expression by saying, "Whenshes gone, it's the little moments like this that'llcomeack to you. " It was true. I missed my mother still andremembered the moments when I was so impatient as tomake her life miserableParagraph 2The elderly woman moved with her deliberate slownessback to her daughter. Together they made their way towardsthe exit of the video store. They stood there for a momentside bywaiting for the rushing holiday current and foin it. Then the daughter glanced over andmomentarily regarded her mother. And slowly, almostreluctantly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccus.tomed affection around her mother's shoulders and gentlguided her back into the deluge.

英语周报 2018-2022 八年级 GDY 9答案

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