2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标 ZYC8答案


第二节One possible version:I had made a fool of myself and every girl in the seventh grademust be laughing at me. The next day at school, when I wasn'tthe focus of every joke, I realized that Nicole could not have saidanything. Only then did i have time to think about how deep I hadhurt her definitely. As I knew, she was not an outgoing kind of girlHow hard must it have been for her to cross over to invite me. Butmy ridiculous reaction ruined everything. I couldnt help thinkingwhat I could do to make it up to her.With October came another dance. On stepping into thegym, I anxiously looked for Nicole. There she was, sitting in acorner, paying close attention to all the dancing couples. Takinga deep breath, i gathered courage to step forward. Lady, may Ihave the honor to dance with you? "I reached out my hand to her.We started to sway. We trusted each other. This time, everythingwent perfectly. This was my first dance, which led to my fullunderstanding of bravery, and most importantly, of dance


第二节this time, Lewis was so distracted by the UFO.That's when the object entered the last cloud. From thereit was nothing but open sky. "When it appeared, my lifechanged, "Lewis says. "There against the richness of theblue sky was a silvery shape that seemed to have arms andlegs! It was so beautiful to look at. At the same time, ithad the appearance of metal. It looked like some kind ofship with a strange design. The best way I could describe itis that it looked like a silver tool in the design of thestickman children draw. It was huge, moving fasst anmade no noise.As it sailed overhead, some of the arms and legsould move up and down, giving the impression of beingalive!"He says. "It made a couple of rolls, reflecting thesun in every direction just beautiful! Slowly it landed onthe land. I imagined extraterrestrials would come out, butthat didn't happen. Then it began to rise and move fartherand farther away. As it started to fade away from myview, I found myself short of breath and with tearsrunning down my cheeks. It had that much of an effect onme. I began thinking maybe that's what an angel lookslike

2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标 ZYC8答案

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