

书面表达(满分25分)Dear sir or madamrer to your advertisement for support workers. As a Chinese exchange student studying English inthe city, I have been longing to do voluntary work, especially helping old people because I was always looking after mygrandparents at home. I think what the old want most is love, care and company. From my childhood, I like listening tomy grandparents telling their stories, so I think I am a good listener and know ways to communicate with the old wellLast but not least, I am free to work at weekends, which I think is fittest for your postooking forward to your answerLi Hua


7.(1)甲〔2分)(2)3(3分)1(3分)【解析】(1)因没有给出电流表,故应采用电压表和电阻箱组合进行测量,同时因内阻较小,为减小实验误差,故应将定值电阻与电源相连充当等效电源,故应采用甲电路进行测量(2)根据闭合电路姆定体可知U=R+R+变形得←R+R则由图象可知E 3解得E=3v,+=3-2,解得r=1a,E

