英语周报 2018-2022 九年级 外研 12答案


第二节Then came the first class -- Chinese painting. The teacher showed us how to use a brush topaint bamboo on a piece of white paper. Then all the other students were in business. But it wasquite dificult for me. How could I hold the stiff brush and made it go as I wished? Hesitating for awhile, I tried dipping the brush into the ink bottle. When I took it out, drops of black ink fell onthe white paper. There was no bamboo, but big black dots!As I burnt with great embarrassment, Li Hua, who was next to me, gave me a warm smile. Ismiled back awkwardly She came over and demonstrated how to use the brush the brush movedacross the paper, and a lively bamboo appcarcd! With her help, I finally completed the task,although it was such a ugly one Aner that, we became good friends. She taught me Chinese whileI taught her English. We both made great progress in our studies. Yes, my mother was right. Asmile did make a difference



英语周报 2018-2022 九年级 外研 12答案

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