2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 外研 4答案


弟一节短文改It was a dream for me to learn to swim so I asked mycousinhe could be of help and he agreedf/whetherwithout hesitationIn the afternoon my cousin and I went to the seawhen the lesson began. Hours later I could swim a bit butwhereI still needed much practise. I was wearing out when wepracticewornheaded back. I eat my dinner and went to bed. The nextday, I went with Mom to the market and she bought to ussomething. I told Mom that I felt like move and livingmovingthere permanent and not just for a visit. He promised topermanentlySheconsider ItI felt happy that I was leaving with such A new lifeaexperience


分,母万1)X正常翅和小翅在子代雌雄个体中的性状分离比不同,说明Aa基因位于X染色体上(2)0 boXY、 boXYbXA: bXa: bY=l: 1:2(3)5:11(4)遗传图解:(3分)bbBb雄果蝇雌果蝇配子Fbb文字说明:子代Bb和bb各占12,其中Bb的个体雌雄各占2,bb的个体均为雄性,故子代雌:雄=1:3

2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 外研 4答案

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