2022 英语周报 七年级 新目标实验 22答案


第二节One possible versionWhen Norah heard of her mothers plan, she was terhappy. She couldnt wait to see Dan at once. Hardly hadthey met Dan in his yard when Norah shouted excitedlyShe ran right up to him as if she had known him all of herlife and she was climbing all over him like a monkeyAnd of course every time I turned around. she d comeback over and hug me again, " Dan said. When it was timeto leave, Norah and her mom passed the rose bush by thedoor. Dan picked a big red rose and gave it to Norah, saying, "This is a symbol of our friendship.The mother and her daughter hane been visiting himceely, erer since. Every time they went there, the old andthe young would play games and tell each other secretsorah considers Dan as a family member and Dan has neverbeen alone again. "Norah helped me recover from my sad-ness and gave me something to live for, Dan said, with afresh shave and haircut



2022 英语周报 七年级 新目标实验 22答案

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