

第三部分语言知识运用第一节【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过讲述影片制作者 Craig Foster与章鱼的友谊互动,诠释了人类需要与自然界和谐共生的道理。41A【解析】根据最后一段中 freezing underwater可知,水温很冷, bitterly非常; slightly些微地; closely紧密地; barely仅仅42C【解析】根据上文 an unbelievably shy creature withmany behaviors unknown to science可知,章鱼天性害羞,所以生活习性是喜欢躲藏,43D【解析】人们很难看到章鱼,所以 Craig因为能近距离观察到章鱼鲜为人知的生活习性而欣喜。 overjoyed狂喜的。44.B【解析】上文提到章鱼天性害羞,所以章鱼刚开始是远离他。 learned from学习; kept away from远离;turned to求助于; gave way to给……让路。45.C【解析】上文提到章鱼远离他,下文提到章鱼允许Craig进人她的生活,前后为转折关系46.D【解析】根据上文 the octopus realized Craig was nota danger,but以及下文中 the octopus, my friend可推测,章鱼在和 Craig相处一段时间后,开始觉得他是朋友47.A【解析】根据下文内容可知, Craig在讲述自己遇到章鱼前的状况。48.D【解析】根据上文 Craig was once in a dark andstressful period可知,他曾经“挣扎过”。49.B【解析】根据下文中 calmed his mind可知,章鱼给他带来了“平静”。50.C【解析】根据上文 this daily diving可知, Craig把这个当作了一种应对抑郁的“常规活动”51.A【解析】根据并列形容词 disconnected和他曾经抑郁的事实,可知他会感觉孤单”52.B【解析】文章开头 Craig Foster is a diver and wildlife们mkm提到是个影片制作者,所以他有了接触章鱼的机会,就“记录”她的生活53C【解析】根据下文内容可知,一年间 Craig每天都在“追踪”记录这只章鱼的生活。54.D【解析】根据 healing可知, Craig觉得和章鱼的接触鼓舞人心,并且有治愈性55A【解析】根据下文 gain her trust判断,她对 Craig很“信任”,进而让他进入她的世界。56.B【解析】根据下文 himself into this freezingunderwater world可知,此处应为短语 throw oneselfinto“投身于,置身于”。57.C【解析】根据下文 to his" once-in-alifetime”可知这么多年中也有很多动物主动接触 Craig,但没有什么能“比得上”章鱼和他之间的联系。58.B【解析】根据上文的故事内容可知,此处指 Craig和章鱼之间建立的联系。59.A【解析】根据 taught以及后句内容可知,章鱼也让Craig有所领悟. teach sb. a lesson“给某人一个经验教训”。60.D【解析】根据下文 part of the natural world可知,他意识到人类不单纯是自然界的访客,而是其中的部分。


【语篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我—一团队合作【文章大意】小男孩Jos一家靠捕鱼为生。因为喜欢足球,小男孩无心帮助捎鱼,爷爷的一番话让他明白一家人捕鱼和足球运动样,只有团结合作才能成功。【写作指导] anagraph1的段首句是"当Jos进来时,爷爷拾头看着他,然后示意他过来",再结合续写笫二段的段首句可知,续写第投主要围绕爷爷把№s叫过去后和他谶话的内容以及Js对这些活的反应为主裉 Paragraph2的段首句中的" a family is like soccer"以及"worktogether"可知,Jos意识到无论是踢足球还是一个家庭都霄要团结协作的精神,故本段应围绕他思想和行动的转变展开。One possible versionParagraphGrandpa looked up at Jose when he entered, and then signalled to hito come over. As Jose approached him, Grandpa smiled, and then hisfingers went back to work. "In some ways, Jose, a family is like a fishingnet,Grandpa said as he wove strings of rope together to repair the brokelinks. "The strength of the whole depends on the strength of each linkJose knew he had let them down when he had run off after the net broketoday. It reminded Jose of what the coach had been saying aboutParagraph 2Grandpa, I guess a family is like soccer, too. Eneryone needs to worktogether to succeed, "Jase said. "I'm sorry about today. " Grandpa pattehim on the hack affectionately. then Jose ran to help grandpa fold thefishing net. The next day, Jose got up earlier than usual and fed Felix andPedro. On the beach, Jose grabbed the net and look his step steadily,moving al the pace of others. "How is your soccer practice going? " hissister came, asking. "So-so. But I would behave better today, "Josereplied, with a knowing smile. He was sure of it.

