

21(18分)I.(1)多孔碳电极(2分)?0+2—2022分)(2)2A+6O2一Al《CQ2(2分)催化剂(?分(3)13.5(2分)Ⅱ.(4)铝电极(2分)SO--2e十H2O一SO+2H(2分)(5)水中存在电离平衡2OH++OH,阴极H+放电生成H2,c(H)减小,水的电离平衡正向移动,c(OH-)增大,溶液碱性增强(2分)(6)44.8L(2分)【解析】I.(1)由图可知铝电极为负极,多孔碳电极为正极,电池工作时,A+向正极迁移,正极反应式为2O2+2e-202和2CO2+2O—C2O-+2O2(2)负极反应式为A1-3e一A13+,电池总反应式为2A1+6CO2=Al2(C2O4)3,反应过程中Q2的作用是催化剂。(3若1.5 mol cO2参加反应转移1.5mol电子,消耗0.5 mol Al,质量为13.5g。Ⅱ.(4)由图可知,a极为阴极,连接AlCO2电池的铝电极,b电极SO3放电的电极反应式为SO2e-+H2O=SO+2H+。5)水中存在电离平衡H2O=H++OH,阴极H+放电生成H2,c(H+)减小,水的电离平衡正向移动,c(OHˉ)增大,溶液碱性增强。(6)n(SO2)=1mo,应过程中转移2mol电子,根据得失电子守恒可知,消耗CO2的体积为448L。


Dear Mike,Hows it going recently! Ive heard that you'l studywith me for some time in the future as an exchange studentIt'l be my pleasure to tell you something aboutour teachersTo be frankIn our school, my tavonte teacher Is ourChinese teacher, Ms. Liu. She is in her thirties and looksEmuch younger for her age. She is tall and slim with longhair reaching her waist. She is not only strict with us, butaho kind and optimistic about life, which makes her sopopular among us. She always encourages us to overcomethe difficulties in our life More importantly, her way ofteaching that makes Chinese so easy and interesting for usto learn, is nothing like that of the other teachers'. It isconfirmed that under the guidance of such a talentedteacher, we will achieve what we want and be more confident in our future lifeI'm looking forward to your arrival and welcome to ourchoBest wishes and stay healthy.Yours,Ua

