

第二节续写Plotpuppy for PoppyThe boy who was about to Cave for university, saidEmotion linegoodbye to his family and PoppyEvThe boy left. The parents tried many things to cheeroppy upPooppyry ups→ The parents brought a new puppy to cheer Poppy→→?Possible version oneDan opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared. Poppy's tail wagged(h #E)even faster. Meanwhile, awarm glow of satisfaction appeared on Poppy's face. Gradually, Poppy calmed down and watched the little dogwith tenderness, as if she were a dedicated mother. The little dog retumed Poppy's love with affection(.% )on herA few weeks later, the boy arrived home from university. He dares aown, walking sloeayerdes ning on her. The parents were moved to tears by the sweetness of the dogs,mixedwith their yearning(.)for their beloved son's returnd 'into the hous是ycheerfully shouted:"Mom. Dad, Poppy!" Naturally, he threw himself into his parents' arms and hugged themtightly. With a resounding(响亮的) bark, Poppy twisted her body, dramatically bouncing(弹跳) into the boy'sknees and licking( #) his hand. Thennowhere, she suddenly tumed around and ran away. The boycuriously followed and saw the sweet little dog curled in a box. The sweetness of the precious gift warmed hisheart immenselyheart immensely出彩表达积累tendemess t.柔情dedicated adi.专心致志的,一心一意的resounding adj.响亮的,回响的immensely adv.极其地,非常地Meanwhile, a warm glow of satisfaction appeared on roppy's face与此同时,波比脸上露出一种满足的喜悦的表情。(拟人的生动描写)He darted into the house like an arrow and cheerfully shouted: "Mom, Dad, Poppy!他像一支箭一样冲入房门,兴高采烈地喊到“妈妈,爸爸,波比!”(比喻的生动描写)


31.(除注明外,每空1分,共8分)(1)常染色体隐性遗传病或XY同源区段隐性遗传病(答常“染色体隐性遗传病”可以给分)常染色体或XY同源区段bb或XY(2)替换限制酶Mst‖l缺失(3)Ⅱ,不携带致病基因、Ⅱ,携带致病基因(2分)【分析】(1)分析甲病家系图可知,Ⅱ-3(a或X“X“)患病而1-1(Aa或XY)和1-2(Aa或XX“)均正常但都是携带者,甲病为常染色体隐性遗传病或XY同源区段隐性遗传病。分析乙病家系图,再结合DNA电泳图可判断,乙病可能为常染色体隐性遗传病,也可能为致病基因位于XY同源染色体上的伴性遗传;山于Ⅰ-5存在等位基因B,肯定不是伴X染色体隐性遗传病。根据以上信息推导出Ⅱ-7的基因型为b或XY。(2)根据电泳结果,Ⅱ-3只有1350一个条带,而I-1和I-2除1350的条带外还有1150和200两个条带,可推知甲病可能由正常基因发生碱基对的替换导致,替换前的序列能被MstⅡ识别,替换后的序列则不能被MstⅡ识别。1-6为隐性纯合了,故1.0×10为隐性基因的条带,1.4×103为显性基因的条带,所以乙病可能由正常基因上的两个 BumP I识别序列之问发生碱基对的缺失导致。(3)Ⅱ-4电泳结果只有1150和200两个条带,为显性纯合f,不携带致病基因;l-8电泳结果有两条带,为携带者,二者都不忠待测遗传病【点睛】解答家系图的问题时.先利用口诀“尤中生有为隐性.隐性遗传看女病。一女病。其父子有正非伴性。有中生无为显性,显性遗传看男病,一男病,其母女有正非伴性“进行判断,有些家系图含有的个体较少,可能尢法判斯具体的遗传方式,则利用假设法,如本趟的乙家系。解答本题还要结合DNA的电泳图进一步进行分析判断。

