

语籯导读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了一款可检测眼疾的应用程序。28.A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的 The app is the result of a father' s five-year quest…. prevent loss ofViSIOn. Five years ago, doctors diagnosed(诊断) Noah shaw' s retinoblastoma以及第三段中的ThenBryan decided to create an app可知, Bryan的儿子被诊断出视网膜母细胞瘤。诊断过程给予了 Bryan灵感,使他决心开发一款能检测眼疾的应用程序29.A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 To make the diagnosis, the doctors…, indication that there wassomething wrong there.以及 he saw the reflection, which doctors cal" white eye可知,为了做出诊断,医生把一束光照到Noah的眼睛上,结果从他的眼球后部反射出白光,这个白光反射就叫做“" white eye”,这表明他的眼睛出了问题。由此可知,“ white eye”是一些眼疾的症状。30.D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的 That latter condition is a problem以及A1% false positive ratewould mean tens of thousands of children showing up at the doctor unnecessarily.可知,假阳性是指眼睛本身没有问题,但是 CRADLE的检测表明有问题。这个错误率即使是百分之一,但是由于每年新生儿众多,百分之一的错误率也会导致成千上万儿童去看医生,这原本是没有必要的,故推知是一种医疗资源的浪费31.C。词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的 This is exciting new technology, and this is how I think we're goingto go about screening for a number of diseases in the future可知, Bryan对 CRADLE这款应用程序的未来还是很“乐观的”。



【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章说明了孤独症是一种能够导致严重的社交、沟通和行为问题的残疾孤独症患者和其他人的不同之处在于,他们的长相通常没有什么不同,但是孤独症患者的交流、互动、行为和学习方式可能与大多数人不同。文章还介绍了关于儿童越早被诊断出来孤独症,治疗效果就越好32.D。细节理解题。根据第二段中 They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their dailyactivities可知他们可能会重复某些行为,可能不希望在日常活动中有所改变。由此可知,乐于做出改变不属于孤独症儿童或成人。故选D33.A。推理判斷题。根据第三段中 By age2, an experienced doctor can be considered very reliable idiagnosing ASD. However, many children may not see a doctor until much older可知到2岁的时候个有经验的医生可以被认为在诊断ASD方面是非常可靠的。然而,许多孩子可能直到更大的时候才去看医生。以及根据第四段 However, research shows that early treatment services can improve a child'sdevelopment. Early treatment services help children from birth to 3 years old (36 months )learn importantskil然而,研究表明,早期治疗服务可以改善儿童的发育。早期治疗服务可以帮助从出生到3岁(36个月)的儿童学习重要的技能。由此可推知,孤独症儿童越早被诊断出来,对他(她)的治疗就越好。故选A34.B。推理判斷题。根据倒数第二段中 However, most scientists agree that genes are one of the highest riskfactors that can make a person more likely to develop AsD可知然而,大多数科学家认为基因是使一个人更容易患孤独症最高风险因素之一。由此可推知,一个有孤独症兄弟的人最有可能是自闭症患者。故选B35.D。推理判斷断题。根据第一段中 Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) is a disability that can cause serioussocial, communication and behavioral problems There is often nothing about how people with asd lookthat makes them different from other people, but people with ASd may communicate, interact, behaveand learn in ways that are different from most other people.可知孤独症(ASD)是一种能够导致严重的社交、沟通和行为问题的残疾。孤独症患者和其他人的不同之处在于,他们的长相通常没有什么不同,但是孤独症患者的交流、互动行为和学习方式可能与大多数人不同。结合文章还介绍了关于儿童越早被诊断出来孤独症,治疗效果就越好可推知,这篇文章可能来自医学杂志。故选D

