

,故C项正确七选五这是一篇说明文,总分总结构,介绍了交谈时倾听能提高谈话有效性改善人际关系的原因。16.G从文章结构可知,第一段引出话题。此题前一句“当你在谈话中让别人多说,你们的关系将得到极大改善”,提出的交谈方法,与G中“ this is an incredible strategy”对应。故G项正确。17.F出现在第二段尾,承上启下。选项中“it' s your opportunity to stand ou”与前文“mostpeople, other people”呼应。故F项正确。18.B读主题句,倾听让你更容易交到朋友,选项B具体阐述了具体原因;选项A是“你被朋友倾听”,故排除。故B项正确。19.C此题为选择主题句,观察前两个主题句,均为“ you will”开头,故在C、D中选;根据该段,倾听让你具有同理心,更理解他人的感受,故C项正确20.E考察对代词的理解。由下文可知,此空应出现可以由they知道的复数名词。并且此段是对全文的总结,与一二段呼应。故E项正确。述的是 Sara Cook的部分医疗账单被RIP非营利性组织给付清,


书面表达One possible versionI求Dear PeterI heve good news for you Our school Food Club will hold a dumpling- making activity. As you're interestedin Chinese food, I'm writing to invite you to join in the activity with me.As a kind of traditional Chinese food, dumplings are very popular during festivals, especially in the SpringFestival, when people will get together to make dumplings. The activity will begin at g am next Saturday in theschool canteen. First, (chefs) will teach us how to make dumplings step by step. Then, there will be a dumplingmaking competition in groups. Finally comes the most exciting part--enyoying our dumplings.Looking forward to your coming.Your

