2018-2022 英语周报 高一 外研 10答案


Paragraph 1On Monday morning, hiding behind the window, wesoon saw what we were waiting for. It turned out that there They were too funny as they hopped away holding theirwere three of them from our school. They sneaked up on injured feet. We just couldn't contain our happiness andour snowman and sneered. Taking their places on either i excitement. With a hearty laugh, we came out of hidingside, they pulled back their legs to deliver powerful kicks. and sprang into the yard from inside the house. " An eye forBut the moment they hit the hard ice block of the base,. an eye! Justice done! "We yelled behind them. And thatsneers turned into shock, then agony and tears. They was the end of our problems with the snow bullies. Everhowled and cursed, gritting their teeth and stomping their i since then, our snowman was kept guarded and intact untilhappily melted into spring water and finally wove into ourParagraph 2sweetest childhood memoriesSeeing their pained looks, we couldn t help laughing


18.解:(1)设B下滑的加速度为a,2min37=2ma(1分)由匀变速运动L=2(1分)解得:=√D32(2分)(2)碰前B的连度为vo由动能定理2mg1sin7=2x2m(1分)碰撞过程动量守恒:2m0=(2m+m)u(2分)碰撞点处弹簧压缩量为x1,kx= mosin37°(1分碰后恰好不分离,此时弹簧压缩量为x,对AB有(m+2m)ssin37°-kx=(m+2m)a(1分)对滑块B有:2mgin7°=2ma(1分)解得:x=0在原长处恰好不分离碰后到运动到原长处的过程中由动能定理:W,-(m+2m) aisin37=0-5(m+2m)(1分)弹簧弹力做功W=2kx1x1(1分)9m解得:k(1分)3)经分析知碰后AB简诣运动,平衡位置时弹簧压缩量为kx2=3mgsi37°(1分根据简诸运动可知弹簧振子的振幅为x2。x2=30gin37在最低点时系统弹性势能最大,由机械能守恒:E=(m+2m)Bsim3722(1分)解得:Em=5.76mg(1分)

2018-2022 英语周报 高一 外研 10答案

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