英语周报 2018-201 高二 HZ 38答案


36.D根据空前“ Nowadays, listening is becoming more and more important in communication...”及空后“Butdon' r worry. There are some tips on how to be a good listener.”可知,D项“然而,很多人无法正确地倾听别人”符合37.A根据空后的内容“很多人假装在倾听,实际上他们希望朋友能停止诉说,这样自己就可以说出自己在脑海中排练很久的话,朋友是能够感受到这种心不在焉的倾听的,而且倾听者也会遗漏听到的话,因为他们没有专注”可知,A项"保持在现场的状态(即要专注地倾听)”符合38.G R# Bj"Don't give advice. Ive mentioned this many times already, but it's important becauseunsolicited advice can actually create stress.."及“ Unless it's specifically requested,don't."可知,G项“除非你的朋友直接向你询问建议,否则他们可能只是想要被倾听和理解”符合39.E根据空后“ And hearing your friends talk about upset feelings might even make you feel helpless.."可知,E项“也许在寻求解决方案之前一直倾听别人的情感倾诉是有点吓人的”符合40.F根据空前“ With all this focus on your friends' problems, it might be difficult not to focus equal time onyour own.K a"If you're consistently doing all the giving, you can re-evaluate the dynamics of therelationship.”可知,F项“放轻松,要知道如果你需要帮助的话你的朋友也会是你的倾听者”符合



英语周报 2018-201 高二 HZ 38答案

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