

36-40 CEDBG


Li Hua第三节One possible versionParagraph 1Run!" Eddie yelled. Cathie was running as fast asshe could down the road. Eddie soon caught up with her.Then he suddenly remembered Marie. They stopped andturned. Marie was nearly paralyzed with fear as she stum-bled down the road towards them, waving her arms wildlyhough frightened, Cathie and Eddie had to go backLuckily, the noises were fading away as Cathie and Eddieack. Each one grabbed an arm and practically draggedMarie down the road. When there was no sign of pursuitthey slowed down, each convinced that they had met BigfoParagraph 2When they reached their driveway they sme Mr. Kingtcho came to delier corn was talking to Dad. The kids triedto slip into the house unnoticed, but Dad motioned for themto come over and asked whether they were walking up bythe dam. They looked at each other and allheads. "My prize pig broke out of the barn two days agoand I stillfind it, Mr. King said in a worriedvoice. Hearing that, Dad laughed."Maybe you should gosee Fred MeAfree. Something tells me he saw your pigThen he glanced towards the kids as though he knew whathad happene

