

第四部分写作节短文改错第dayalking tour orgark Piclass yesterday. We set off at 8: 00 am from sch M:spent two hours going to the National Forest Park.we saw various kind of animals. After that. we wakindsd the farmers hnear A park ad helpetheThe last stopalhe river. We haver duringhich we told stout sang sdFrom this experience I' ve learned that the animelive happythe workers' hard workhappilythe farmers that provide us for adequate foolthclothing. We can't be so thankful enough to them.


B篇【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章以Ruth差点被人抢劫为倒子,介绍了SPA这种安全装置,SPA可以发出125分贝的声音,吸引注意力,吓跑潜在的攻击者。SPA可以广泛应用,而且非常受欢迎24.A.词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“ Right as she was unlocking her car, a man quickly came up behind heried to wrestle her purse away. She was in shock.”可知,就在Ruth打开车门的时候,一个男人迅速地过,试图沧走的钱包。她震惊了。后米Rath按响了警报器,男人被吓跑了。由此可知,划线次本的1)题、根据第三段中的”Lks1he had her Sale Personaland since she was too scared to scream for help. she quickly reached tor the alan allthe pin(保险栓).”可知,幸运的是,Rath记得她的钱包上有她的安全个人报器,由于她太害怕了,不政大声呼救,于是她迅速伸手去拿警报器,拔下了保险栓。由此可知,对这个意外的情况,Ruth按响了她的安金装置。放远DC.理判所题,根据倒数第二段中的“ Parentse it to their kids as an extra means of protectionall use I so thcycel sale walking lione. Women can know it's there when they have to us知,父母可以把它给该子作为额外的保护于段。青少年可京的路上会感到安全,女人在晚上不得不使用停车场的时候知道它的存在为了说明SPA可以广泛应用,故选CA.根理判断题。根据最后一段中的“ In lact, since its lunch, SPA has been in a state, shitting from INSTOK LO SOLD OUT nearly every other week. and it's also got tons of loyal followers worldwide. "nT/a1白推出以来,SPA一直处于一种几乎每隔一周就会换一次货的状态,而且它在世界各地也有大量的自此知,SPA在市场上果受欢迎,故选

