



B【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Rob stewart喜欢海洋动物,尤其是鲨鱼,他通过拍摄相关影片来呼吁人们保护鲨鱼和维护海洋生态平衡。他一生都在拯救鲨鱼,他是海洋的英雄24.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中“ He lovedeverything in the sea, but sharks the most”和第二段中Stewart spent his life studying and photographingsharks and other sea creatures, and creating films. "nJ知, Rob Stewart对海洋动物感兴趣。25.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中“WherStewart found out about the finning, he tried to end itAs an experienced diver and skilled cinematographerhe was able to raise awareness of the problem byfilming sharks in their natural environment. "n] n, RobStewart通过拍摄在自然环境下生存的鲨鱼来阻止人类割鳍弃鲨的行为。26.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段“Asof2013,55countries had banned shark finning. Stewart lived anddied a hero in the pursuit of saving sharks and the seaHe is believed to have saved onethird of the worldssharks.”可知, Rob Stewart为保护鲨鱼所作的努力颇有成效。27C【解析】句意猜测题。根据最后一段“It' s yourgeneration that we want to make sure sees the worldthat Rob saw and does whatever you can to protect thebig fish, said Stewarts father. 'One person can makea big difference.’"以及第三段中“ Knowing that about25% of shark species were endangered and sharksmight soon be extinct, Stewart worked hard to raiseawareness of sharks and their key role in nature.”可知,在Rob看到的世界中,有四分之一的鲨鱼种类瀕临灭绝。

