

29.(9分,除标注外.每空1分)(1) <萌发的小麦种子的细胞呼吸方式小麦种子有氧呼吸消耗的氧气量(2分)(2)细胞质基质、线粒体上移4(2分)<【解析】(1)图甲中a液面变化表示种子细胞呼吸消耗的氧气量与释放的co:量之间的差值,若只进行有氧呼吸,液面不变;若进行无氧呼吸,则液面下降。b液面变化表示小麦种子有氧呼吸消耗的氧气量,b液面会上升,所以a小于b。本实验探究的是萌发的小麦种子的细胞呼吸方式。(2)图乙中实验的前3h,室内co2浓度上升速率保持不变,3-6h室内co2浓度上升速率减慢,说明前3h叶肉细胞不进行光合作用,只进行呼吸作用,所以产生atp的场所是细胞质基质、线粒体。植物光合作用吸收绿光最少.所以使用相同强度的绿光进行实验时,光合作用减弱,细胞呼吸不变,吸收co2将减少,所以c点上移。当呼吸速率与光合速率相等时从外界吸收、释放co4的速率为0,所以呼吸速率与光合速率相等的时间点有4个,即6、18、30、42h。实验中前24h温室内的co2浓度无变化,后24h温室内的co)2浓度下降,所以该植物前24h有机物积累量为q,后24h有机物积累量大于0.所以前24h有机物积累量小于后24h有机物积累量。< p>


第三节One possible versionParagraph 1Finally, afler struggling for a minute or tuo, I still gotpulled underwater. I told myself I should never give upThen I pulled the weed again with great efforts. The weedfinally broke. I swam back to the surface to take a deepbreath. I saw two young men in canoes, racing each otherI was exhausted and shouted for help. The two men saw meand raced towards me. By the time they reached me, I hadbeen already unconsciousParagraph 2When I woke up, I was in an empty room lying on abed. It was not until a doctor came into the room that I realized that I was in a hospital. Jimmy and bobby told me thetwo young men brought me to the shore and sent me to thehospital. After a few minutes, my parents with half angryand half worried faces walked in. My parents scolded mefor running out of the house secretly but were also glad thatI was not seriously injured. I will never forget that terrifyingexperience. Neither will I ever want to show off again

