

12.D【解析】因为BM=BN,所以MN∥AC,由题意可知,SB∥截面 MNEFG,所以SB∥GM∥EN,由BM=BN,可知SG=SE,所以△SGF≌△SEF,所以FG=FE.如图,连接AC,BD交于点O,连接SO,则SO⊥平面ABCD,则SO⊥AC,又AC⊥BD,SO∩BD=O,SO,BD平面SBD,所以AC⊥平面SBD,则AC⊥SB,又MN∥AC,SB∥GM∥EN,所以MN⊥GM,MN⊥EN设MN交BD于H,连接FH,可知SB∥FH,可知截面 MNEFG是由两个全等的直角梯形组成设MH=x,则8H,所以3-B-32,所以HF=(16x)SB同理得MG=(1-2x)SB.又SB=9√2所以截面 MNEFC的面积S=(2-+)-2x一2x2+9x=-2(x-)y+9,当且仅当x-时,S有最大值为9,所以截面 MNEFG的面积的最大值为9.故选D项


第四部分写作第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分66. Promote /Develop.67. Outside influences. External circumstances68. Stop waiting and take action. / Do some work to make it happen.(不全面,类似如下情况得1分:① I can,'t wait around for everything to fall intoplace. @ @Work on the foundation that I have.9. Personal growth is like a flower that needs to grow under any circumstances0.(Open) Possible answer: Adapting to any circumstances. Because only by doingthat can we form good habits and achieve a successful life.第二节书面表达(满分20分)Dear teachers and classmatesAs the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China isapproaching, I want to describe my hometown.Gra, hometown, with the help of the people of Binhai New Area, has shaken off povertyhanges have taken place in our countryside. Not only have the houses been paintedand strengthened, but the streets have been leveled and widened. the whole village issurrounded by trees, flowers and plants, like a beautiful park.People' s quality of life has been greatly improved. After labour, they have richrecreational activities, such as horse racing, wrestling and watching Tibetan Opera. Traditionsof wearing masks are still adopted today, adding mystery and uniqueness in art value toTibetan Opera. When we get together, we are happyAs a senior high school student, I am fortunate to be a member of Binhai New Area. Iill study hard, develop in an all-round way, and make my own contribution to the realizationof China dreamI hank vou!


以上就是2018-2022学年《英语周报》高二课标HZ第7期答案 ,更多英语周报答案请关注本网站。